A non-exhaustive list of things I use while coding.
- 2021 MacBook Pro 14" M1 Max 32GB
- Apple Magic Keyboard
- Apple Magic Mouse
- Apple Magic Trackpad
- Apple Airpods Max
- Omnidesk Ascent
- Xiaomi Mi Computer Monitor Light Bar
- Dell 27 USB-C Monitor - S2722DC (x2)
- Editor: VS Code
- Theme: Catppuccin (Macchiato)
- Font: MonoLisa
- File Icons: VS Code Great Icons
- Raycast - Spotlight replacement
- SetApp - Dozens of apps for 1 subscription
- TablePlus - Database management UI
- Paw - HTTP client
- Rectangle - Window management
- Swish - Window management
- MonitorControl - Control the brightness of monitors
- Bartender - Clean up the menu bar
- Paste - A better clipboard
- Cleanshot X - A better screenshot tool
- Klack - Satisfying keyboard sounds
- Brave - Primarly used for work
- Arc - Primarly used for personal browsing
- Refined Github - Overhauls some of Githubs UI
- Enhancer for Youtube - Makes Youtube a lot better
- SponsorBlock - Blocks sponsor segments on Youtube
- uBlock Origin - Adblocker used by Arc
- Proton Pass - Password manager
- + many framework devtools
Web Development
- Frontend:
- Backend:
Cloud services:
- Github Actions - Continous Integration
- Vercel - Edge hosting
- Digital Ocean - Advanced server hosting
- Porkbun - Domain registrar